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Asmodeus: Demon of Lust---Part One (Princes of Hell) Page 2
Asmodeus: Demon of Lust---Part One (Princes of Hell) Read online
Page 2
A stack of old black and white photographs sat inside, and the hauntingly familiar face of a young woman stared up at Kai through a pair of large dark eyes. Eyes that were just like hers. With shaking fingers, Kai reached in and pulled out the pile of weathered photographs.
She flipped through the stack one at a time and found that every picture was of the same woman. Based on the fifties style clothing and striking resemblance to both Kai and her mother, Kai could only assume this was her grandmother, Kristine.
All the photos showed a smiling young woman full of life, but it was the last picture that gave her pause.
It was an image of her grandmother with a baby in her arms and Kai was certain it was her mother, when she was an infant. Tears fell freely down Kai’s cheeks as she ran one finger over the faded image. Sniffling, she flipped the picture over to see if there was a date and while there was something written, it wasn’t what she expected.
My sweet, Katherine. The next Custodian.
“Custodian?” Kai said, confused. Her grandmother was a custodian? “Do we come from some long line of school janitors or something?”
As Kai swiped at her damp cheek with the back of her hand, she spotted a small black bag that had been hidden beneath the photos. She placed the stack of photos on the table and picked up the heavy, worn, cotton bag and felt a lump inside. Kai loosened the drawstring and turned the bag over, emptying the contents into her hand.
A heavy ring made of iron, tumbled into her palm and the metal felt cool against her damp skin. Holding it between her fingers, Kai squinted and went to the light by the kitchen window to try and make out the unusual design on the round face
There were a series of four circles with some kind of lettering evenly spaced between the rings. It was so tiny and worn away by time that she’d need a magnifying glass to get a clue as to what it said. At the center of the smallest circle was what looked like a star and it had some kind of crystal in the middle.
“Why wouldn’t Jacob have given this to my mom?” she murmured.
It was beautiful. Not in a traditionally gorgeous and sparkling kind of way but beautiful, none-the-less and it was definitely old. She had no idea just how old but it really didn’t matter. This ring obviously belonged to her grandmother and that’s what made it valuable.
Smiling through her tears, Kai slipped the precious ring onto the middle finger of her right hand and found that it fit perfectly. As she held her hand up to inspect her newfound prize, a howling gust of wind ripped through the house and slammed the front door shut.
Kai yelped and spun around to see the pile of pictures blow around the room and flutter to the kitchen floor. Her hands gripped the edge of the counter behind her as she fought to still her racing heartbeat. Zephyr was nowhere to be seen and the only sound was the old cuckoo clock that ticked loudly on the wall.
She squatted down to pick up the scattered photos and as she placed them back on top of the table, her attention was captured by something written on the side of the crate. As her gaze slid over the words, the little hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Custodians of the Light.
The disturbance in the air had been subtle, a quiet rumbling that, at first, Asmodeus mistook for the usual notification of new arrivals. Every day when a new batch of tormented souls arrived, there was a shift in the atmosphere. As one of the seven Princes of Hell and the Demon of Lust, he was responsible for the pathetic individuals who earned their ticket to hell by reveling in lust and desire.
Lust or lusting for someone wasn’t evil but when humans allowed themselves to be corrupted by it, that was when the scales tipped to damnation. The souls that landed in his little corner of hell were the worst of the worst. Rapists, murderers, pedophiles. The humans, who in Asmodeus’ opinion, gave lust a bad name and he was more than happy to escort them into an eternity of hell and damnation.
But he could do without the paperwork.
Asmodeus had been overseeing tortured souls in Hell for several millennia and he was growing weary of it. He watched mortals, on many occasions, and envied the life, the freedoms they were given. So when they abused that freedom, there was something gratifying about implementing their punishment.
Lucifer, the leader of all demons, granted them a vacation on earth every one hundred years. However, Asmodeus, much to his dismay, wasn’t due for another trip for quite some time. Oh, he’d snuck up there a time or two to help his half-mortal son but he didn’t stay long enough to truly enjoy it.
While Asmodeus loved trips to the mortal plane he sure as shit didn’t want to get a trip to earth like this. As he walked through the tunnels of stone that led to the mortal plane, he let out a beleaguered sigh.
The first disturbance in the air had been nothing compared to the series of bone shattering sonic booms that rocked the Underworld in nauseating succession. The instant it happened, Asmodeus knew what it was. He’d heard and felt that same ear-splitting sound three thousand years before and, until an hour ago, Asmodeus and the rest of the Brotherhood thought the threat had been eliminated.
Apparently not. The disturbance in Hell meant that someone had found the Ring of Solomon. The ring had the ability to control all demons and if the bearer so desired, it could be used
to destroy them as well. King Solomon had almost done exactly that when the guy had put Asmodeus and the rest of the Brotherhood under his complete control. Lucky for them, one hot summer day, Solomon had imbibed far too much wine and his curiosity got the better of him. He asked Asmodeus what demons could do if they had total power over humans. What powers did they truly possess?
Asmodeus promised to show him but said he needed the ring and his freedom in order to properly demonstrate. Solomon, drunk as a skunk, handed the ring to Asmodeus, who then promptly tossed it into the sea, releasing the Brotherhood in the process.
They all thought that was the end of it. Not so much.
Someone had not only found the ring but was wearing it and, whether or not they knew it, this individual quite literally could command Hell. Since none of the demons had been summoned, it was a safe bet that the bearer of the ring had zero idea of the kind of power they had in their hands.
However, not wanting to take any chances, Lucifer chose to send Asmodeus and the rest of the Brotherhood up to earth in search of the ring. As far as Asmodeus was concerned it was like looking for a needle in a haystack and could take a century to find it.
They knew was it was somewhere in North America but since they were unable to pinpoint its location they suspected the mortal wearing the ring possessed some type of unique gift. Given the fact that the ring’s whereabouts were somehow cloaked, the wearer must be a unique human being indeed.
Asmodeus slipped on a pair of aviator sunglasses as he strode out the mouth of the cave. Wearing jeans, a white t-shirt and motorcycle boots, he placed his hands on his hips and let out an exasperated sigh as he surveyed the area. Idaho. Of all places, he gets to start his search in Idaho.
There were several direct portals to Hell within the continental United States. Los Angeles, Houston, Las Vegas and New York City just to name a few, but one of them was deep within the caves of the Craters of the Moon. The four hundred-acre lava field was one of the only places on earth that actually resembled the Underworld but it wasn’t exactly a bustling metropolis.
Although, given Asmodeus’ weakness for the company of women and pleasures of the flesh, he wasn’t terribly surprised that he pulled this particular location. Having fewer ladies around meant fewer distractions and he knew that was exactly why Lucifer stuck him way the hell out here.
Great. He gets an extra chance to enjoy the mortal plane and Lucifer puts him in one of the most desolate places in North America.
“What a dick,” Asmodeus murmured as he squinted against the light of the setting sun.
Welcome back to earth, Lucifer’s voice touched the collective consciousness of the Brotherhood. Based on var
ious disturbances in the energy fields, I have sent the six of you to the locations the ring is most likely to be. Additionally, there are certain individuals located in these areas that are descended from unique bloodlines and are the most probable candidates to be in possession of the ring.
Something glinting in the distance caught his eye. Asmodueus grinned when he saw the black and chrome motorcycle waiting for him by the edge of the deserted highway.
I’m not completely cruel. Lucifer’s voice floated around Asmodeus with his usual air of self-importance. You have each been provided with a mode of transportation and a duffle bag with money and some clothing. There is also a paper with the names and locations of the individuals you should be looking for. They’re listed in priority order for your convenience.
You’re a real prince, Asmodeus interjected. I’m sure this all looks very convenient from your corner office in Hell.
Stop whining, Asmodeus. Lucifer’s voice, edged with boredom filled his mind. You haven’t even thanked me for the motorcycle.
Asmodeus stopped dead in his tracks and dug into the pockets of the Levi’s he was wearing. His smile broadened as he pulled out the keys to the Harley Davidson and started walking again toward the bike. Lucifer might be a son of a bitch but he had his moments. “Not bad,” he murmured. “But you’re still a dick.”
Yes, I know. Arrogance dripped from Lucifer’s every word but as the Demon of Pride and leader of the Brotherhood, it was of little surprise. We have two immediate problems, other than the obvious. Asmodeus tried to keep his attention on Lucifer, instead of the gorgeous bike. He ran his hands over the smooth curve of the handles as Lucifer’s deep, gravelly voice touched the collective minds of the Brotherhood. Since we haven’t been able to pinpoint the exact location of the ring, my concern is that has something to do with whoever is wearing it and you all know how much I loathe not having all the information. Secondly, if you’ll recall, the ring cannot be taken from its owner, it has to be given to one of you willingly.
What if the guy wearing it befalls some kind of horrible accident? Falls off a cliff? Runs into a bullet...or my fist? Satan’s voice cut into the conversation and Asmodeus smirked as he walked around and appraised the bike. Satan was the Demon of Wrath, loved mayhem and was the biggest troublemaker in the bunch. Can we take it if he’s dead?
Yes, Lucifer responded. But you know full well that we can’t harm an innocent, so I suppose you’ll just have to play that part by ear.
Asmodeus opened the duffle bag that was strapped to the back of the bike and pulled out the paper. He perused the list of names and the one at the top grabbed his attention immediately. Kai Kelly—Bliss, Idaho. His lips tilted as he folded the paper up and stuck it in the back pocket of his jeans. Kai was a woman’s name, wasn’t it?
What makes you think it’s a guy? Asmodeus asked as a grin cracked his face. Could be a lovely lady and wouldn’t that be far more pleasant?
Well, shit. Mammon’s irritated tone cut into the conversation. As the Demon of Envy he was always feeling slighted and as though he somehow got the short end of the stick. If it is a chick and Asmodeus finds her first, he’ll spend a month in bed with her before he gets the ring. I don’t know what part of the continent you guys got, but I’m stuck in Alaska and I’ll bet the ring is nowhere near here. Brother, if it is a broad then do us all a favor and get the ring before you fuck her .
Whatever, man. Belphegor’s bored voice interrupted them. I’m in no rush. I haven’t been to earth in a long time. You know all work and no play makes the Demon of Sloth a dull boy.
Mammon, Asmodeus responded playfully, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were jealous.
Screw you.
No thanks, brother. Asmosdeus’ laugh, deep and loud touched their collective minds. You’re not my type.
If you’re all quite finished. Lucifer’s voice, sharp and curt, cut off any further banter. You will get the ring by whatever means necessary. However, Mammon raises an interesting point.
A heavy silence hung as they waited for Lucifer to continue.
I’m concerned the six of you may succumb to temptations and find yourselves distracted from your mission. I have sent you there to find the ring and bring it back to the Underworld, not to indulge in your vices. In addition, as demons you won’t be able to get within a mile of the ring without alerting the person wearing it. Chances are that the human who has found the ring has no idea the power that it holds— otherwise we’d have been summoned already. However, we can’t afford to take risks. In hindsight, having you all down there as full-blooded demons seems unwise.
Asmodeus glanced over his shoulder at the field of black rocks as a feeling of dread crawled up his back. What did he mean...as full-blooded demons?
In order for you to get anywhere near the bearer, and to assure you stay focused, I am going to make one small adjustment for your current stay. Lucifer’s voice wavered and Asmodeus could tell the son of a bitch was smiling. It’s really for your own good.
Just as Asmodeus was about to ask what he was talking about a burning sensation fired through his body, stealing his breath. The sudden onslaught sent him to his knees as he gasped for air and agonizing pain radiated across his chest. Asmodeus’ hands hit the rocks and gravel scraped against his jean-clad knees as he fought a sudden and unfamiliar wave of nausea.
Sucking in a deep breath, he pushed himself off the ground with a grunt and kneeled for a moment as he regained his bearings. He tore the sunglasses from his face, suddenly feeling the uncomfortable effects of the late afternoon sun. Up until seconds ago, the heat had not fazed him in the least. Asmodeus’ palms stung and when he lifted his hands, he swore loudly when he saw speckles of blood mixed with dirt.
Demons did not bleed.
When you find the ring, you will telepath me immediately, and if necessary I will send the rest of the Brotherhood to assist. Lucifer’s voice, calm, cool and detached whispered through Asmodeus’ mind. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you how dire the situation is, but to sweeten the pot...whomever finds the ring and brings it back to Hell will earn a three-month vacation on earth.
If their minds had still been connected, Asmodeus would have surely heard the others when Lucifer laid the reward before them. One of the only things that any of them looked forward to was their time on earth, and to get an extra three months would be spectacular.
However, Asmodeus was met with silence. It was an odd sensation, to be disconnected from the rest of the Brotherhood. The pulsing energy of their minds was conspicuously absent and for the first time in several millennia.
As you get close to the ring, Lucifer’s voice floated into his mind but sounded far away, you will feel the pulse of its power but your abilities will be limited. Although, you’ll be stronger than most humans, I’m not entirely sure what powers you’ll retain. The telekinesis and ability to manipulate heat may or may not remain. It may vary from brother to brother. At least that’s what’s most likely.
Likely? Asmodeus gritted his teeth as sweat trickled down his back and the pain ebbed across his chest. You have no idea what you’re doing, do you, Lucifer?
Ignoring him, Lucifer continued.
I have also left each of you with the ability to telepath me once it’s found but not each other. Our collective mental link emanates far too much power and would definitely blow your cover...so to speak. I realize this is less than appealing but it’s the only way to protect members of the Brotherhood. Lucifer’s laugh rasped through Asmodeus’ mind as his voice faded. And to ensure you do what you need to do, there’s nothing wrong with a little extra incentive. I can’t imagine any of you want to stay on earth in this....state.
“You mother fucker,” Asmodeus ground out as he stood up and bit back a wave of unfamiliar pain. “What did you do?”
Asmodeus held out his arms and watched as the tattoos that covered the length of his arms and ran across his back...vanished. The intricate design, seven interlocking circles with a five-poi
nted star at the center, was the mark of the Brotherhood and had branded his flesh for his entire existence.
Until now. Lucifer made them mortal.
Chapter Two
The elderly man’s aura was a dull, sickly green and wavered around him in the dingy gas station like smoke but Kai kept a smile on her face. He was definitely ill, most likely cancer of the lungs based on the way he was sucking down his second cigarette in less than fifteen minutes. Kai usually saw that pea green color when someone was sick and as the old fella coughed up a hunk of phlegm, she was relatively certain her mojo was on point.
“I’m new around here,” Kai said as she placed a twenty on the counter for the gas she’d just pumped. “Is there anything interesting to see in the area?”
“Yup,” he rasped. His pale gray, watery eyes glanced at her briefly as he rang up her purchase on an old fashioned cash register. He adjusted his dirty baseball cap and gave her a toothy grin, which actually brightened up his weathered complexion. “This your first time in Magic Valley, I’d bet. Well, if you’re like most folks you’ll want to see them caves or take a ride over to Atomic City and see the first nuclear reactor.”
“Caves?” Kai smiled as he rang up her purchase slower than molasses in winter, and though she tried to be patient, she was starving and had to get something to eat before she fainted. “Nuclear reactors? Sounds like a lot going on for such a...remote area.”
“Yes, ma’am. Magic Valley is full of surprises.” He pushed his hat back and wiped the back of his neck with a red bandana. “I’m Clive and I’d bet my bottom dollar you’re Jacob Kelly’s granddaughter.”
Kai stilled and the smile fell from her face as she self-consciously tucked a long lock of blond hair behind her ear. While she was used to seeing inside people, it was unnerving to have someone do it to her.